Dot Project User List
Dot Project user list sorted by role
Each role can do what the roles below it can do.
Admin can adjust roles
- Martin Hash, Noel, Willp, Yves P, Steve S, Marshall H, Bob C, Ken C
Jim Talbot, David Higgins, Paul Daley, Rodney Baker, Rhett Jackson
Project Managers can create projects
Task Managers can create tasks
- Art and Animation Directors
- Others
- Mark Skodacek, Vernon Zehr, Lazlo Luongo, Colin Freeman, Fabrice Fave, Greg Schumsky (TWO game),
Contributors can create and edit task logs, and update task progress. They can also edit tasks but should only do so if assigned to that task.
See Contributors
Anonymous guests have only view rights. Either they didn’t ask for Contributor access or they don’t have enough of a forum history to tell that they are involved in the project.
- voodooman, gwinkelman, Shelton, bigfishcatcher, splinesmith, Ganthofer, 3DArtz, forevernameless, brainlock, rossk, KNBits, MMZ_TimeLord, C Cargo, dre4mer, steves, mhovland, tanassi, Jack West, jamesgelwood, Kevin E Long, pabloschmid, ptiversen, serg2, Fabrice Fav, Tom, Gilles Charbonneau, daanmuller, kenyip, Rolf Kestermann, Fadhli adibya, AceLK, Tacku, robotmonster, Dennis Borruso, MixePix, 3ddan, raychua, Robert-Jank, peanuckle, Muff ,noewjook, Alli, Kricket, yardie, billyb, francis glebas, lordofthesplines, jojolimited, rborquez, Nosferatu, 3DKiwi, Terraance M, Leo73, My Fault, JJRO, avi, cheto, frosteternal, PlJack, steve392, gbk178, MiddleKid, zorque , Nat, Dusan Kastelic as kikiriki, Egopoe, jamagica, RingerT, ludo_si, gi0soft, walkers, Robert Phillips as elrond, Stephen Bruce as steveb, lomvuho
If you are not listed and you have followed the Dot Project Login instructions then make sure you’ve asked for access in this topic of the forum.
If an admin thinks that someone is misplaced they are free to change a users role. Just be sure and update this list.
SVN Access list
- willp, noel, SteveS, mtpeak2*, jandals*, alweb*, pdaley*, Frank Silas*, zandoria*, KenH, animattor, PF_Mark, strohbehn, kuep, higginsdj, racreel, MMZ_TimeLord, pwaslen, itsjustme, Eric2575, Lewa11, mediaho, Kamikaze, Fab, Robert-Jank, c-wheeler, wedgeeguy, OdinsEye2k, agep, kungfudork, Pixar, ZachBG*, xtaz, katt, tacoballz, TeresaNord, dylan*, sonofpat, Dhar, Dagoos, ssappington, JGarlick, CoryCollins, robcat2075, waldronk, nat, Ilidrake, DeeJay, markeh, ZPiDER, thekamp, HomeSlice, bobcroucher, jpappas, jasonsimmonds, kbaer, james, entity, Shelton, Zaryin, Jeetman, marshall, Neu_Type, jimmy_caushca, smwolke, martin*, Animus, andyg, heath, NimaAnvar, Shazam3d, gaz, PaulForwood, heather, dr4mer, gschumsky, goodguy20k, Russel_Nash, apprentice, plasma, Leo73, MattWBradbury, cwisbg, noahbrewer, Tunames, JavierP, jmf3d3d, dalehash, DrPhibes, djclinton, raffi, Soltek, jbeery
- Director or manager
See Svn Walkthrough for for instructions to get svn access.