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This plugin is currently in Alpha stage, meaning its functionality could change.

It is designed to make the Install bone removal portion of the installation of the Squetchy Rig (or the 2008 rig) much easier.

There is more information on creating a rig that is usable with this plugin available in this video by David Simmons.


If you are running v15 or later, this plugin is installed by default with Animation:Master. For earlier versions of Animation:Master, follow these instructions for your platform.

  • Windows

Download the and extract the Install Rig.hxt to the "hxt" folder in the same location as master.exe usually "c:\program files\hash inc\v13.0\hxt\"

  • OSX

Download the and extract the Install Rig.hxt file to the hxt folder in the same location as master usually "/Applications/Animation Master 13.0/HXT/"


Follow the installation instructions until you are ready to remove the install bones. Then right click on the model or in the models view to get the model’s context menu. Choose “Plugins”, “Wizards”, “Install Rig”. The INSTALL bones will be gone, and the _geom bones will be visible in bones mode. You are ready to assign the control points to the bones.

What it does

  • It looks for bones with ”INSTALL” in the name.
    • If it it sees “(attached_to_parent)” at the end the name (immediately after the parent bone name) it notes the first child of this bone if that child is a bone.
    • It then looks for the bone who’s name is after the “INSTALL” string, and notes it as the parent bone.
      • If it finds that bone it moves the install bone and all of its children to the parent bone. It then removes the install bone, and attaches the child to the parent bone if needed.
      • If a parent bone was specified and none was found it tells you the name of the install bone and skips that bone. This is usually caused by a mispelled or missing bone, or an _ before “(attached_to_parent)”.
  • If the bones name doesn’t contain “INSTALL” and has ”_geom” it will show that bone in bones mode.
  • Any other bones will be hidden.

Known Issues

Currently there are no known issues.
If you find some please report them to A:M reports. Use the v13.0 project and set the Category to “Plugins”.


Many thanks to David Simmons and all the other people who helped make the Squetchy Rig possible.
