Teacher Resources

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Welcome to the Hash Inc. Teacher Resources Wiki

This is a place for teachers to share and colaborate tips and lesson plans and helpful teacher related links.

Teacher Resources Wiki Guidelines

How to add to this wiki


Using Animation: Master software in the classroom has been a phenomenal experience. It allows students to use their higher critical thinking skills while they are working on software that they enjoy using. From the first tutorial to the very last, they get excited every time they learn a new feature about an action, or model among other things. This software continues to motivate the students to think creatively while also allowing them to experience personal success as they work their way through the easily accessible on-line tutorials. As a teacher, I have also integrated basic art lessons into the animation classroom. It allows the student to appreciate the value of the early animators and the accomplishments they made in animation with their hand drawings. Lesson plans, videos and tutorials are included with the software, therefore making the transition to teaching a subject I had never taught before a smooth one. I would recommend Animation:Master to anyone who wants a head start in furthering their students’ careers in animation.

Stacy Walker - Animation Teacher - Roach Middle School - Frisco, Texas

Lesson Plans


  • FAQ
  • Hasps Many schools choose to use the network hasp instead of having cds for each seat.


Usefull teaching info from the forum can be compiled into this wiki.