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You’ll need a working copy of svn installed to use the TWO data sharing feature.

Setting up the Subversion Client on Mac OS X
These instructions will guide you through the process of installing and using the Subversion Client on OS X. The initial setup takes some time, (approx. 20-30 minutes), and you will need to use the Terminal, so pay attention, and we’ll get through this together.

Files Needed

To begin, download the following files:

Subversion Client – This is the client software used to connect to the server. It’s command-line only. The current version as of this writing is 1.3.2

you can download it here:

svnX – "A GUI application that allows browsing of "SVN" repositories, importing of new projects, checkouts of repositories, etc. The current version available as of this writing is 0.9.7.

you can download it here:


Installation has two main steps. The first “The Subversion Client” is required, Installing svnX is optional, but it has added functionality that may be needed while working with Animation:Master data that have been “versioned”.

The Subversion Client

Begin by installing the SVN client first. Mount subversion-client-1.3.2.dmg (or whatever version you downloaded), and run the installer package inside. Depending on how you download it, it may already be mounted.

Follow the instructions, and when the install is complete, open Terminal (located in Utilities > Terminal).

We’ll be using Terminal to verify that Subversion was installed correctly. We’re also going to make SVN accessible from the command line. To do so, you’ll need to edit your .bash_profile file. This tells the bash shell where to look for Subversion. In this guide, we’ll be using Pico to edit the file.

In Terminal, type:

pico .bash_profile

Add the following lines to the file:

export PATH

(you can copy/paste this into pico just fine)

Save the file (control-O in Pico)

Restart Terminal.

You should now be able to use svn commands in Terminal. (Type ‘svn help’ for usage) If help displays, this means that SVN is now installed and ready for you to use via the command-line in Terminal, or a program like svnX.

Subversion is fully-functional and can be used only from the command line if you like. I recommend that you spend some time becoming familiar with the command line interface. Some commands can only be issued using the command-line, and you will be able to get a better understanding of how SVN functions.


Install svnX by mounting the dmg (double-clicking it) if it’s not already mounted, then drag/drop svnX to your applications folder. create an alias for it on your desktop. or choose “keep in dock” once it’s running.
create a new ‘working copy’ and point it to the same location that you chose to download to in A:M- svnX will automatically see the svn information in this file.

Svn Walkthrough