Dot Project Wish List

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A way to track animation task status

Suggested by Robert Taylor
Implementation by Noel

The main item is a way to show the stages of a choreography was needed and “Approval Status” needed more options.

After deciding what exactly what those states need to be. We came up with this Proposed List Of Statuses. I then decided that there were redundancies there so I made two separate lists. Choreography Stage and Approval Status.

To see it at work, check out these Examples of Approval Statuses and Choreography Stages. Make your browser window wide enough so that the name doesn’t wrap around and it will make more sense.

See Proposed Choregraphy Stages for what Martin wants them changed to.


  • Projects, TWO, reports, task list. can currently list and filter by approval status and choreography stage, as well as showing only choreographys, defaults to sorting by name instead of date. Also can be used to filter for a certain percent complete, so we can match Choreography Stage to the percentage.
    • Task Name can be clicked from the report to change that tasks status or log a note or question.
  • From “View Project” the task logs tab is a way to read all the logs that have come in.
  • Color coded task name based on chor stage in “view project” page, and sub tasks of “view task”


  • Color coded task owner and assigned based on approval status in “view project” page, and sub tasks of “view task”


  • You can and should change a tasks “approval status” and “choreography stage” directly from a log like with “progress”.

Wish list

  • Proposed Choregraphy Stages
  • Custom Field option order
    • I had thought that I made it so we could add new options to these fields in the middle of existing options and reorder the existing options. I was wrong. It would take a couple of days to make that happen so it doesn’t seem worth it yet.
  • Reports
    • An option to filter by an approval status range may be nice.
      (after making the choreography stage report this seems like a day job)
  • Logs
    • might be nice to force progress to choreography stage

I need to update Project Management Procedures when this is tested some