Sequence 2 1
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ROOSTER crows enthusiastically, perched upon a wooden crossbeam. It crows again and again and again.
SCARECROW lies reading in bed. The rooster's crowing irritate hims.
ROOSTER crows with renewed vigor.
2_01_04 SCARECROW reacts with annoyance at the Rooster's crowing. He sets down his book, throws off his blanket and scoots off the bed.
2_01_05 SCARECROW'S feet touch the floor. He shuffles away.
SCARECROW walks by a sink, picking up his hat and putting it on his head.
2_01_07 SCARECROW opens his double windows.
SCARECROW (whispering)
Quiet out there! You'll wake Master Woot!
2_01_08 ROOSTER crows.
2_01_09 SCARECROW picks up a boot.
2_01_13 SCARECROW winds up and throws a BOOT out of the window. OS, the rooster crows.
2_01_14 A BOOT flies through the air.
2_01_15 The ROOSTER stops in mid-crow, looks alarmed, ducks, the boot sails over its head. The ROOSTER looks up, relieved.
2_01_16 SCARECROW walks to a sink and puts straw into his shirt.
2_01_48 SERVANT holds a can of polishing wax.
This should do the trick, sire.
2_01_49 TIN SERVANT polishes TIN WOODMAN
Want to look my best today.
2_01_50 INT. TINWOODSMAN'S ROOM CU of TINSERVANT TINSERVANT Will there be anything else, Sire?
2_01_51 INT. TINWOODSMAN'S ROOM TINWOODSMAN Well, now that you mention it, there is one more thing. TINWOODSMAN exits, TINSERVANT takes out concertina and follows.
2_01_52 EXT. ON BALCONY TINWOODSMAN Make my tin castle glint, While I'm absent,
2_01_53 INT. CASTLE TINWOODSMAN Make the floors real clean, For my new Queen,
2_01_54 TINWOODSMAN Nimmie Aimmee, I'm off to see!
2_01_55 INT. HALLWAY TINWOODSMAN I'm off, I'm gone, I'm off, I'm gone, so long,
2_01_56 EXT. TIN GARDEN TINWOODSMAN Mow the lawn and walk the dog and feed the giant swan
2_01_57 INT. HALLWAY TINWOODSMAN I'm off, I'm gone, I'm really getting gone, I'm off, I'm gone, so lo....
Tinwoodsman falls thru door opened by Scarecrow. Scarecrow step out into hallway.
2_01_58 INT. HALLWAY (Scarecrow does not have hat on) SCARECROW Oh my straw is fresh, I'm dressed in my best, My hat is on straight, and my boots fit my gate.
2_01_59 EXT. High span between two castle towers SCARECROW TINMAN & WOOT Nimme Amee were off to see
2_01_62 EXT. Tin Garden Tinman's hand only works mechanisum to lower draw bridge while song plays
2_01_63 EXT. DRAW BRIDGE bridge slams down
2_01_64 EXT. CASTLE Winkies in the fields take notice of commotion at Castle.
SCARECROW, WOOT & TINMAN were off were gone so long
2_01_65 EXT.DRAW BRIDGE SCARECROW, WOOT & TINMAN cross brige singing
Off at dawn, the bridge is drawn, and with this goodbye song, were
2_01_66 EXT. CASTLE Tinman signs autograph for Winkie while singing scarecrow in back ground
off were gone
2_01_66b EXT. Castle Tinman & scarecrow
were really getting gone.....
2_01_66c EXT. Castle Tinman
were off were gone so long
2_01_66d EXT. Castle Tinman & Scarecrow (listening to Woot singing)
WOOT Oh finaly...
2_01_69 EXT. Path Woot and Winkie crowd
WOOT I'm on a journey
2_01_70 EXT. Path Scarecrow and Tinman catch up to Woot
WOOT I'm off to see
2_01_71 EXT. Path Scarecrow Woot & Tinman and winkie crowd
2_01_72 EXT. Path Scarecrow Woot & Tinman and winkie crowd entire group sings
Nimme Amee were off to... (song breaks down)
(two pictures in story board makes this scene)
2_01_73 EXT. Path
SCARECROW Wait wait hold it hold it that didn't come out right
Scarecrow exits frame
2_01_74 EXT. Path Scarecrow returns with cue cards for Woot
SCARECROW Now lets try that again from the double bar
2_01_74b EXT. Path WOOT Oh finally
2_01_75 EXT. Path Woot. Scarecrow and Tinman look on
WOOT I'm on a journey
2_01_76 Woot
I'm off to see... the big ... uh... the big
2_01_77 EXT. Path Scarecrow & Tinman (Tinman mimes "O" and "Z")
2_01_78 Ext. Path
WOOT Oh! the big O-Zee!
2_01_79 EXT. Path Woot Tinman & Scarecrow
TINMAN He's got it almost!
SCARECROW We'll fix it in post!
2_01_80 EXT. Path Marching band led by TinServant
Your off, your gone, Your off your gone so long. We'l mow the lawn and walkl the dog and feed the giant swam. Your off your gone your really getting gone. Your off your gone so long
2_01_81 Ext. Path tinman
Oh it's her I'm off to see, I can't be late, I gota a date, to find my mate.
2_01_82 EXT Path Woot Tinman Scarecrow
Nimmie Aimmee, were off to see!
2_01_83 Ext. Path Tinman, Scarecrow, Woot & Winkie crowd (pause in song)
2_01_84 Ext. Path Winkie Crowd
Your off, your gone
2_01_84 Ext. Path tinman & Scarecrow (While winkie crowd sings)
WINKIES It's time for you to go
2_01_85 Ext. Path Close up of winkie Crowd
WINKIES Weve heard this song, it's running long
2_01_85b Ext. Path Medium shot of Winkie Crowd
WINKIES no need to stop the show,
2_01_86 Ext. Path Winkie Crowd
WINKIES your Off your gone, your really getting gone.....
2_01_87 Ext. Path Winkie Crowd
Your off!
2_01_88 Ext. Path Tinman
were moving
2_01_89 Ext. Path Winkie Crowd
Your gone!
2_01_90 Scarecrow
I'm pretty sure Torches and Pitchforks are a bad sign
2_01_91 Ext. Path Winkie Crowd, Woot, Tinman, Scarecrow
Your off your gone so long........
End of 2_01